50 research outputs found

    Scene Graph Embeddings Using Relative Similarity Supervision

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    Scene graphs are a powerful structured representation of the underlying content of images, and embeddings derived from them have been shown to be useful in multiple downstream tasks. In this work, we employ a graph convolutional network to exploit structure in scene graphs and produce image embeddings useful for semantic image retrieval. Different from classification-centric supervision traditionally available for learning image representations, we address the task of learning from relative similarity labels in a ranking context. Rooted within the contrastive learning paradigm, we propose a novel loss function that operates on pairs of similar and dissimilar images and imposes relative ordering between them in embedding space. We demonstrate that this Ranking loss, coupled with an intuitive triple sampling strategy, leads to robust representations that outperform well-known contrastive losses on the retrieval task. In addition, we provide qualitative evidence of how retrieved results that utilize structured scene information capture the global context of the scene, different from visual similarity search.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202

    TimeGraphs: Graph-based Temporal Reasoning

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    Many real-world systems exhibit temporal, dynamic behaviors, which are captured as time series of complex agent interactions. To perform temporal reasoning, current methods primarily encode temporal dynamics through simple sequence-based models. However, in general these models fail to efficiently capture the full spectrum of rich dynamics in the input, since the dynamics is not uniformly distributed. In particular, relevant information might be harder to extract and computing power is wasted for processing all individual timesteps, even if they contain no significant changes or no new information. Here we propose TimeGraphs, a novel approach that characterizes dynamic interactions as a hierarchical temporal graph, diverging from traditional sequential representations. Our approach models the interactions using a compact graph-based representation, enabling adaptive reasoning across diverse time scales. Adopting a self-supervised method, TimeGraphs constructs a multi-level event hierarchy from a temporal input, which is then used to efficiently reason about the unevenly distributed dynamics. This construction process is scalable and incremental to accommodate streaming data. We evaluate TimeGraphs on multiple datasets with complex, dynamic agent interactions, including a football simulator, the Resistance game, and the MOMA human activity dataset. The results demonstrate both robustness and efficiency of TimeGraphs on a range of temporal reasoning tasks. Our approach obtains state-of-the-art performance and leads to a performance increase of up to 12.2% on event prediction and recognition tasks over current approaches. Our experiments further demonstrate a wide array of capabilities including zero-shot generalization, robustness in case of data sparsity, and adaptability to streaming data flow

    Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas sobre lactancia materna que poseen las madres que asisten al programa de Vigilancia promoción, crecimiento y desarrollo en el centro salud de Villa Libertad, Managua. Octubre -Diciembre 2015

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    Se determinaron los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre lactancia materna que poseen las madres que asisten al programa de Vigilancia, Promoción, Crecimiento y Desarrollo, mediante un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, probabilístico, realizado en 73 mujeres en rangos de edad de 15 a 42 años, seleccionadas por muestreo aleatorio simple en el Centro de Salud Villa Libertad de la ciudad de Managua en el periodo de Octubre a Diciembre del año 2015. Una vez seleccionada el área de estudio se realizó coordinación con personal de salud y docente a cargo, se identificó el problema objeto de la investigación, se procedió a la elaboración de los objetivos y del instrumento de recolección de datos, posteriormente se hizo la validación del mismo. La entrada al escenario de trabajo para la evaluación se realizó aplicando el formulario conteniendo las variables de acuerdo a cada objetivo específico, los cuales están enmarcados en cuanto a identificar información sociodemográfica, de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre lactancia materna. Se utilizaron medios y programas informáticos para el proceso de recolección y análisis de datos. Una vez analizada la información se obtuvieron los resultados, donde encontramos que las mujeres estudiadas manifestaron tener adecuados conocimientos sobre lactancia materna obtenidos en la unidad de salud donde han sido atendidas, tienen una actitud favorable, pero la práctica de lactancia materna es inadecuada, porque es mixta debido a que además de la leche materna se implementa el uso de fórmulas lácteas y alimentación complementaria a temprana edad. Palabras Clave: Lactancia Materna, Conocimientos, Actitudes, Prácticas, Fórmul

    Inactivation of Chikungunya virus by 1,5 iodonapthyl azide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an arthropod borne alphavirus of the family <it>Togaviridae</it>. CHIKV is a reemerging virus for which there is no safe prophylactic vaccine. A live attenuated strain of CHIKV, CHIK181/25, was previously demonstrated to be highly immunogenic in humans, however, it showed residual virulence causing transient arthralgia.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>In this study, we demonstrate the complete inactivation of CHIKV181/25 by 1,5 iodonapthyl azide (INA). No cytopathic effect and virus replication was observed in cells infected with the INA-inactivated CHIKV. However, a reduction in the INA-inactivated CHIK virus-antibody binding capacity was observed by western blot analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>INA completely inactivated CHIKV and can further be explored for developing an inactivated-CHIKV vaccine.</p

    Safety and protective efficacy of INA-inactivated Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus: Implication in vaccine development

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    We have previously shown that a hydrophobic alkylating compound, 1,5-iodonaphthyl-azide (INA) can efficiently inactivate the virulent strain of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), V3000 in vitro. In this study, we have evaluated the safety of INA-inactivated V3000 and V3526 and the protective efficacy of INA-inactivated V3000. INA-inactivated V3000 and V3526 did not cause disease in suckling mice. RNA isolated from the INA-inactivated V3000 and V3526 was also not infectious. Immunization of adult mice with INA-inactivated V3000 induced an anti-VEEV antibody response and protected mice from virulent VEEV challenge. The protective efficacy of INA-inactivated V3000 increased with the use of adjuvants. Results suggest that inactivation of enveloped viruses by INA may occur by two independent mechanisms and the INA-inactivated VEEV elicit a protective antibody response in mice

    Exploratory Navigation and Selective Reading

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    Navigating a collection of documents can be facilitated by obtaining a human-understandable concept hierarchy with links to the content. This is a non-trivial task for two reasons. First, defining concepts that are understandable by an average consumer and yet meaningful for a large variety of corpora is hard. Second, creating semantically meaningful yet intuitive hierarchical representation is hard, and can be task dependent. We present out system Navigation.ai which automatically processes a document collection, induces a concept hierarchy using Wikipedia and presents an interactive interface that helps user navigate to individual paragraphs using concepts

    Differential host gene responses from infection with neurovirulent and partially-neurovirulent strains of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus

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    Abstract Background Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is an alphavirus in the family Togaviridae. VEEV causes a bi-phasic illness in mice where primary replication in lymphoid organs is followed by entry into the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS phase of infection is marked by encephalitis and large scale neuronal death ultimately resulting in death. Molecular determinants of VEEV neurovirulence are not well understood. In this study, host gene expression response to highly neurovirulent VEEV (V3000 strain) infection was compared with that of a partially neurovirulent VEEV (V3034 strain) to identify host factors associated with VEEV neurovirulence. Methods Whole genome microarrays were performed to identify the significantly modulated genes. Microarray observations were classified into three categories i.e., genes that were similarly modulated against both V3000 and V3034 infections, and genes that were uniquely modulated in infection with V3034 or V3000. Histologic sections of spleen and brain were evaluated by hematoxylin and eosin stains from all the mice. Results V3000 infection induced a greater degree of pathology in both the spleen and brain tissue of infected mice compared to V3034 infection. Genes commonly modulated in the spleens after V3000 or V3034 infection were associated with innate immune responses, inflammation and antigen presentation, however, V3000 induced a gene response profile that suggests a stronger inflammatory and apoptotic response compared to V3034. In the brain, both the strains of VEEV induced an innate immune response reflected by an upregulation of the genes involved in antigen presentation, interferon response, and inflammation. Similar to the spleen, V3000 was found to induce a stronger inflammatory response than V3034 in terms of induction of pro-inflammatory genes and associated pathways. Ccl2, Ccl5, Ccl6, and Ly6 were uniquely upregulated in V3000 infected mouse brains and correlated with the extensive inflammation observed in the brain. Conclusion The common gene profile identified from V3000 and V3034 exposure can help in understanding a generalized host response to VEEV infection. Inflammatory genes that were uniquely identified in mouse brains with V3000 infection will help in better understanding the lethal neurovirulence of VEEV. Future studies are needed to explore the roles played by the genes identified in VEEV induced encephalitis

    Hemorrhage Exacerbates Radiation Effects on Survival, Leukocytopenia, Thrombopenia, Erythropenia, Bone Marrow Cell Depletion and Hematopoiesis, and Inflammation-Associated microRNAs Expression in Kidney.

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    Exposure to high-dose radiation results in detrimental effects on survival. The effects of combined trauma, such as radiation in combination with hemorrhage, the typical injury of victims exposed to a radiation blast, on survival and hematopoietic effects have yet to be understood. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of radiation injury (RI) combined with hemorrhage (i.e., combined injury, CI) on survival and hematopoietic effects, and to investigate whether hemorrhage (Hemo) enhanced RI-induced mortality and hematopoietic syndrome. Male CD2F1 mice (10 weeks old) were given one single exposure of γ- radiation (60Co) at various doses (0.6 Gy/min). Within 2 hr after RI, animals under anesthesia were bled 0% (Sham) or 20% (Hemo) of total blood volume via the submandibular vein. In these mice, Hemo reduced the LD50/30 for 30-day survival from 9.1 Gy (RI) to 8.75 Gy (CI) with a DMF of 1.046. RI resulted in leukocytopenia, thrombopenia, erythropenia, and bone marrow cell depletion, but decreased the caspase-3 activation response. RI increased IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17A, and TNF-α concentrations in serum, bone marrow, ileum, spleen, and kidney. Some of these adverse alterations were magnified by CI. Erythropoietin production was increased in kidney and blood more after CI than RI. Furthermore, CI altered the global miRNAs expression in kidney and the ingenuity pathway analysis showed that miRNAs viz., let-7e, miR-30e and miR-29b that were associated with hematopoiesis and inflammation. This study provides preliminary evidence that non-lethal Hemo exacerbates RI-induced mortality and cell losses associated with high-dose γ-radiation. We identified some of the initial changes occurring due to CI which may have facilitated in worsening the injury and hampering the recovery of animals ultimately resulting in higher mortality

    Hemorrhage enhances cytokine, complement component 3, and caspase-3, and regulates microRNAs associated with intestinal damage after whole-body gamma-irradiation in combined injury.

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    Hemorrhage following whole-body γ-irradiation in a combined injury (CI) model increases mortality compared to whole-body γ-irradiation alone (RI). The decreased survival in CI is accompanied by increased bone marrow injury, decreased hematocrit, and alterations of miRNA in the kidney. In this study, our aim was to examine cytokine homeostasis, susceptibility to systemic bacterial infection, and intestinal injury. More specifically, we evaluated the interleukin-6 (IL-6)-induced stress proteins including C-reactive protein (CRP), complement 3 (C3), Flt-3 ligand, and corticosterone. CD2F1 male mice received 8.75 Gy 60Co gamma photons (0.6 Gy/min, bilateral) which was followed by a hemorrhage of 20% of the blood volume. In serum, RI caused an increase of IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-5, IL-6, IL-12, IL-13, IL-15, IL-17A, IL-18, G-CSF, CM-CSF, eotaxin, IFN-γ, MCP-1, MIP, RANTES, and TNF-α, which were all increased by hemorrhage alone, except IL-9, IL-17A, and MCP-1. Nevertheless, CI further elevated RI-induced increases of these cytokines except for G-CSF, IFN- γ and RANTES in serum. In the ileum, hemorrhage in the CI model significantly enhanced RI-induced IL-1β, IL-3, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-18, and TNF-α concentrations. In addition, Proteus mirabilis Gram(-) was found in only 1 of 6 surviving RI mice on Day 15, whereas Streptococcus sanguinis Gram(+) and Sphingomonas paucimobilis Gram(-) were detected in 2 of 3 surviving CI mice (with 3 CI mice diseased due to inflammation and infection before day 15) at the same time point. Hemorrhage in the CI model enhanced the RI-induced increases in C3 and decreases in CRP concentrations. However, hemorrhage alone did not alter the basal levels, but hemorrhage in the CI model displayed similar increases in Flt-3 ligand levels as RI did. Hemorrhage alone altered the basal levels of corticosterone early after injury, which then returned to the baseline, but in RI mice and CI mice the increased corticosterone concentration remained elevated throughout the 15 day study. CI increased 8 miRNAs and decreased 10 miRNAs in serum, and increased 16 miRNA and decreased 6 miRNAs in ileum tissue. Among the altered miRNAs, CI increased miR-34 in the serum and ileum which targeted an increased phosphorylation of ERK, p38, and increased NF-κB, thereby leading to increased iNOS expression and activation of caspase-3 in the ileum. Further, let-7g/miR-98 targeted the increased phosphorylation of STAT3 in the ileum, which is known to bind to the iNOS gene. These changes may correlate with cell death in the ileum of CI mice. The histopathology displayed blunted villi and villus edema in RI and CI mice. Based on the in silico analysis, miR-15, miR-99, and miR-100 were predicted to regulate IL-6 and TNF. These results suggest that CI-induced alterations of cytokines/chemokines, CRP, and C3 cause a homeostatic imbalance and may contribute to the pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal injury. Inhibitory intervention in these responses may prove therapeutic for CI and improve recovery of the ileal morphologic damage